Add rel=”me” To A Navigation Menu in WordPress

Add rel="me" Tag to a WordPress Navigation Menu

If you are going to add rel="me" microformat markup to your social media and other third party profile pages..  And you should! You will no doubt be able to add them into a post or a page with little difficulty. The area that I found to be more troublesome and after I see how to accomplish it, don’t know why it wasn’t abundantly clear sooner. However it did cause me a bit of perplexity at first, thinking maybe I had to go into the files and add it, but alas it was just a setting  in the dropdown and then the field appeared and made total sense. Why would WordPress not have a painless way to add this useful bit of information to our markup?

wordpress standard menu item

This is how a menu list item is shown on the menu admin page.

wordpress menu screen options tab

To add the input for adding the markup to the rel="" attribute of the link, find the “Screen Options” tab in the upper right corner of the admin page.


nav menu screen options tab expanded

Expand the options and look for the checkbox for “Link Relations (XFN)” and check the box, you can now close the options tab or select any more options you may require.

wordpress menu item layout with rel-me

Now the menu list item should look like this, add in the rel="me" attribute by inserting me into the field (no need to insert the rel=”” part, that is already in place).

source code showing rel-me microformat attribute added

On the front-end of your site the source code should have the rel="me" microformat attribute visible.

wordpress menu item layout with rel-me and rel-nofollow added

If you want to add more properties to the rel attribute just place a space and add another. Lets add the rel-nofollow also so we can see how this would work.

source code showing rel-me and rel-nofollow microformat attributes added

Now the source code should have rel="me nofollow". If you need other

So you can see it is fairly painless, no need to dig into the code to accomplish this.

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