MonthDecember 2021

Add Polygon Chain to Metamask Wallet and Mint Unstoppable Domains

Unstoppable Domains Are Now Mintable on Polygon Network


If you have been awaiting the introduction of the Unstoppable Domains layer 2 solution for the enormous gas fees and long wait times for a transaction to go through that are sometimes associated with the Ethereum Blockchain. With quick transaction times, and very inexpensive gas fees Polygon will be a game changer making it so much easier to use Unstoppable Domains now and in the future.

This post shows you how to get your Metamask wallet prepared to use the Polygon Network with Metamask Wallet. The Polygon Network is also sometimes known as the Matic Mainnet. Adding the Polygon Network is necessary in order to be able to mint (aka claim) your Unstoppable Domains NFT domain to your wallet.

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